Oxygen Not Included - Optimized Build and Tips (2025)

Oxygen Not Included - Optimized Build and Tips (1)

  • Título: Oxygen Not Included
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Information about Oxygen Not Included is still incomplete. Por favor, ajude-nos a preencher os detalhes do jogo usando este formulário de contato.

An extremely condensed guide made for intermediate players but mainly for myself so I can pretend I’m smart and know I’m doing when I eventually forget how to play this stupid game



  • Do not exceed 8 dupes
  • Set schedules: 18 trabalhar 3 abaixo 3 bed
  • Set dupe priorities
  • Do not skill past morale limit
  • Farm only mealwood until renewable water (5/dupe)
  • Consolidate water to base bottom
  • Leave 6 natural plants for nature reserve
  • Lights speed up all progress bar operations
  • Lock doors instantly through duplicant access permissions
  • Sweep sublimators and quarantine: Polluted dirt, polluted water, slime, bleach stone

Common room size: 16×4

Leave 2 tiles between rooms for ladder+pole

Estufa, recreation room, Bedroom, and hospital unnecessary

Massage clinic optional

Power plant optional

One tile solid storage:

Set sweep only, unpowered

Do not filter for sublimators or liquifiables

Do not sweep extremely hot solids

Pressure plate optional

Washroom setup:

Sinks = stalls. Showers unnecessary

Set chlorine room cycle sensor to 600s/600s (1 cycle)

Sweep polluted dirt and water into recycling area

10W gas/liquid filter:

Infinite liquid storage:

Fill vent tile with heavier liquid (heaviest is crude, <870kg on tile (cannot store crude))

Middle airflow tile can be removed after initial filling

Infinite gas storage:

Mop liquid (any) until vent is not overpressured ~500g



  • Do not exceed 16 dupes
  • Do not use the FPS tanking jet suits ever
  • Priorities: temp power (coal->nat gas/H2/petrol), renewable water (geyser), sustainable O2 (algae->electrolyzer)
  • Insulate temperate zone
  • Dig for oil -> temporary refining -> petrol/plastic
  • Refine iron, crush eggs/fossil -> steel
  • Sleet wheat for extra food, do not dig out
  • Farm reed fiber

Insulated heavy watt bridge:

Either vacuum with mini pump or vacuum surrounding area before construction

Fully automatic ranch:

Room size: 25×4

1.5 escotilhas / dupe (BBQ)

8 escotilhas / sala

Set dropoff: máx. 8; Set critter sensor: <8; wire all to incubators and sweeper

set ranch loaders: eggs (+coal); set bottom loader: meat (+coal)

Essential aquatuner setup:

Tuner must be steel

Petroleum or polluted water as coolant

Must vacuum and fill adequate amount of water and H2 in respective rooms. Move H2 with canisters

Set tuner thermo sensor at least 14c above coolant freezing point

Cooling/refining loop:

Petrol coolants

Set refiner sensor below boiling point


-4kg/s water

+3552g/s O2 (35 dupes)

Priority H2 gas bridge to generators first

Gas vent setup:

Steel pump

Atmo sensor >500g

Do not overpressure >5kg gas

Steam vent setup:

Thermo sensor just below vented gas condensation point

Do not overpressure >5kg steam

Metal volcano setup:

Steel shipping automation

Rail sensor <300c

Vacuum dropoff room. Do not output on top of window tiles

Do not overpressure >150kg steam


Petroleum boiler:

Must be in vacuum

Steel pump, metal tile, porta

Powered door opens at >405c

Build window tiles up diagonally

Vary radiant pipe amount to prevent state change in pipe

Hydro sensor >500kg to keep pump in petrol to prevent overheat

Beware of sour gas

Industrial brick / Renewable petroleum power / Auto slickster ranch:

Room size: 53×36


80 molten slicksters (replace from normal slicksters asap)

Feeds 53 dupes (BBQ)

All machinery steel or ceramic, including doors and critter dropoff

Short circuited not-gate at >140c to overclock tepidizers

Open water vent if top floor is not steam or >150c

Oil well setup:

Steel pumps and door

Atmo sensor >1kg to prevent overheat in vacuum

Set door access for skilled operators only

Deep freezer:

Petrol coolant or better

Thermo sensor -30c



  • Build drywall and at least a drop of liquid to enable cooling
  • 7×45 tile high space per rocket
  • Gantry must be 1 tile away from rocket to prevent damage
  • Shorted tepidizer boiling room for steam engines
  • Initial rocket should carry at least 6 research modules

Meteor defense setup:

Bunker doors at build limit (2 gap above)

Steel airlock doors, 1 gap below bunkers to prevent damage

16 doors per conductive wire

Steel wiring over rocket launch path

Scanner 15 tiles below world border, 2nd scanner 15 tiles below first scanner

Network quality must be >20% to allow bunker doors to close in time

Meteor defense automation:

[Scanners -> NÃO] -> [bunker doors]

(Close bunker doors during shower)[Scanners -> NOT -> filter 70s] OU [5s/5s timer] OU [scanners] -> [jaw doors]

(Keep jaw doors open until shower and after regolith crushed; crush regolith after shower; keep open during shower)[Scanners -> NOT -> filter 70s] -> [silo doors]

(Close silo doors during shower, open after regolith crushed)[Rocket scanner or rocket] OR -> [all doors]

(Open all doors during rocket launch and return)

Liquid fuel setup:


Drywall behind steam turbine

Ceramic insulated pipes

Hydrogen: tuner sensor >272c, tank sensor <-260c

Oxygen: tuner sensor >230c, tank sensor <-215c

Atmo sensor <20kg filtered 60s AND hydro sensor <500kg 1 tile below gas vent -> shutoff outside tank to prevent freezing

Essential QOL Mods

  • Customizable speed
  • Show building ranges
  • Better deselect
  • Geyser average output
  • Gas overlay
  • Better automation overlay
  • Better info cards
  • Suppress notifications
  • Bigger zoom out
  • Pliers (optional, gameplay changing)

Sources and Inspiration

  • GCFungus
  • Francis John
  • Magnet
  • Nilaus

Isso é tudo o que estamos compartilhando hoje para isso Oxygen Not Included guia. Este guia foi originalmente criado e escrito por Mozartichoke. Caso não atualizemos este guia, você pode encontrar a atualização mais recente seguindo este link.

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Oxygen Not Included - Optimized Build and Tips (2025)


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Article information

Author: Velia Krajcik

Last Updated:

Views: 5253

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.